Are you brave enough to bet your luck and Bitcoin

fair game that will strain your nerves with a chance at striking it rich as bananas.

And relax, the random number generator uses hashes directly from the Bitcoin blockchain! The prizes are predefined when you press start, and your luck is the only thing that matters. This means that BitKong is 100% verifiably fair. Go ahead and look.

The ground shakes. “So you want to be the new king of the jungle?", BitKong mimes in sign language. “Give it a go, and see if you can be the hero of this story. Maybe you'll be lucky, but keep your hands off the girls I have in my cave."

Travellers have known to return from his lair in their underpants, staring at their feet and sighing, “Well, at least he wasn't a loan shark!". Others groaned at his puns, and bought themselves a rolex with their winnings. Now say what you will about this big hairy beast, but his games are always fair.

His game is so addictive that even beloved Bitcoin trolls Chris DeRose and Junseth failed to find anything to complain about.

“It's totally true and we actually really said this." - Chris DeRose and Junseth, Hosts of the Bitcoin Uncensored Podcast.

Play BitKong, get rich, and tell girls you are an early adopter. They'll be impressed. Or lose everything and struggle to explain it to your wife. Preferably something in the middle. Just have fun!
