BTC Investment

Our team make investments in large projects which help us to get higher and regular income as well as contribute to the development of new technologies for common advantage. These projects bring the humanity to a new level of development.
BoundlessFuture ltd buys shares of well-established companies such as Tesla, SpaceX and Google with every day increasing value and minimal risks.
Our staff includes high-quality specialists with over 15 years of work experience at the financial market.
We possess insider information and we are private investors so we can not only collaborate with such large companies as Google but also invest into the most promising start-ups.
Now we are taking part in such projects as Artificial intelligence, Cryptocurrency, Unmanned aerial vehicles, 3D organ printing and renewable energy sources.

Start-ups that we have successfully invested in:
Anobit, Intrinsity, Siri, Cue, PrimeSense, SolarCity, Turi, Glimpse, Tuplejump, Moodstocks,,DeepMin, Technologies, Itseez, Nervana Systems, Movidius, Magic Pony, Tempo AI,, Genee,Saffron, Kaggle, Gett, Waze, Mobileye, UBER, Dropbox, Xiaomi

As we invest in the best innovative projects being sure in their efficiency, income security isguaranteed. Thus, the investment portfolio of clients is formed from the most reliable and profitableinvestments of international financial market.